Falling off the Moon

Saturday, October 02, 2004

Falling into Oblivion

How insulting is it to find that you are no longer important to the one of the most important people in your life? It feels like being stripped of one's identity and becoming part of the background of life. Everything continues to be the same...at least...it appears that way. The people around you still laugh and celebrate the daily joys and suprises that life dishes out. People continue to make dinner plans and to go out on the weekends. You even half-heartedly attempt to join in. You make claims of long term goals and plans that you want to participate in. But deep down, in the back of your mind, you--the secret you that hides from every one else---knows that you are slowly dying. That person knows that you feel hope seeping away from you slowly just like blood from a cut. You feel your figurative eyelids become heavy as the hubub of day-to-day life continues in the foreground. It's just as loud and raucous as ever. One hot, solitary tear slides down your cheek and you're too tired to wipe it away. You fear that if you acknowledge it's presence by touching it...this feeling will be real and more will come. Your mind works frantically to think of all of....or ANY of those countless clichés that your friends and family have told you over the last few days....somehow they've lost their power in this dark place within you. Your secret self has a secret that none of them are privvy to. The secret person that you are knows that this isn't some phase....you are truly falling into oblivion...


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