Falling off the Moon

Saturday, October 16, 2004

The bastard is a joke!

Ok...so he puts me through all of this emotional turmoil only to turn around and say that he wants to get back together. If that isn't enough, he claims that he still doesn't know if I cheated but figured this his suspicions weren't reason enough to end a relationship of four years....fine. So it's not enough that you've accused me of being a tramp and that you told your family, but, you're going to try and get back together with me without being certain that I did or did not cheat on you? What sense does that make? Is my p@ssy really that good? Makes one wonder......

Be that as it may, we still have the issue of our son. He took our son for a visit on Sunday although he'd agreed to pick him up on Saturday. He made some plans with his cousin and a long time friend to go out Saturday night so he was unable to take the baby until Sunday. I didn't have a problem with this.

Sometime during Sunday or Monday...some jackass managed to set a fire up near the forest where SLC lives. Our baby was born at twenty-five weeks versus forty weeks so he was considered a "micro preemie". This mean essentially that he was extremely small at birth and that some part of him were underdeveloped. We were very fortunate that the only thing that didn't develop that was a major issue was his set of lungs. Because of this...he's prone to respiratory diseases and infections.

So the fires are raging and SLC calls me Wednesday to come and pick up our baby because he's been coughing a lot and showing other symptoms of respiratory distress. I pick him up and spend the next few days tending to him around the clock. His treatments include administering meds that can make him vomit they are so bitter and disgusting to children, giving him albuterol and pulmicort treatments via the nebulizer and trying to get him to drink warm fluids like teas and soups. In addition to this...I'm hearing the crying and whining because he's not comfortable. I'm waking up because his nose and chest are so congested that he sounds like he's snorting like a piglet or something. I'm calling the advice nurse trying to determine if I need to take him into the doctor's office or if I should continue with the treatments that I'm giving him at home. Mind you...I'm sick too. Turns out that the baby's not sick from the smoke after all but from a cold that Shayn's mother had suffered from, at least, according to SLC. I've gotten sick because I've been caring for the baby. I'm tired and exhausted and have been taking care of other members of my family also. SLC's always telling me that when I need help with our son to call him first. He tells me to not even turn to the people that I live with first but rather to him. I told him that I'm exhausted and that I needed help. That I needed him to get the baby out of my hair so that I could get a couple of hours of sleep. He had the nerve to tell me that it's my weekend. Meaning that since we switch off on who gets to spend time with the baby on the weekends, this one is mine and he can't help me. I hung up in that bitch's face. Here he's the one who exposed our son to someone who got him sick, he sends him home sick and then he won't even give me a break for a few hours so that I can get a little rest? To hell with him!


  • Girl.

    First, he's cheating on you. I will be struck by lightning tomorrow if I'm wrong but sadly, I know I'm not. When my ex was having an affair he constantly accused me of cheating and became much more possessive.

    Second, the man aint ready for you or the responsibility that comes with committing to another person. Clearly its okay to drop you like a dime bag when he thinks something better has come along, and pick up where he left off when that didnt work. And for him to tell you that he's not really sure if you cheated or not but is going to take you back anyway, that means he's scared of being alone. You dont want to be anyones security blanket.

    Third, if he's going to badmouth the mother of his child to his family, he's a piece of shit. Bottom line. P.O.S. And if he's going to badmouth you to his family, wait til your son gets older.

    Lastly, I know your sitting there saying, "oh no she didnt, she doesnt know my man." Honey, I know your man. I've known a hundred men like him and I'm damn sorry it took me as long as it did to get smart. Get out, get therapy and get on with your life. Ain't NO MAN worth all that shit.

    I got out and I am a better person for it. Not only that, I found the man who was meant for me when I wasnt looking. He shows me everyday how much he loves me by taking care of my needs and working towards building our future.

    By Blogger Ally, at 6:46 PM  

  • Sadly, I think Ally may be right. Men are awfully damn predictable. Just take care of yourself and your child and to hell with him. I wouldn't take him back.

    By Blogger Unknown, at 2:47 PM  

  • Its been a week....I think she might have taken him back. :-O

    By Blogger Unknown, at 5:48 AM  

  • Yep.

    She'll learn. It's harder with kids though.

    By Blogger Ally, at 4:15 PM  

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