Falling off the Moon

Friday, April 15, 2005

What a difference a few months make

It's already April and the year's definitely been quite eventful. In January, I was in an accident that caused me to be out of work for over a month while I received physical therapy. The extent of my damage was primarily muscular, thus, I wasn't injured too severly. I am grateful that the other person was not injured too bad either. It was during this time that I had a couple of friends from the net sort of filter into my day to day life as they claimed to want to lend their support. One person in particular, whom we shall call Grady for the purpose of this blog, was especially supportive. He was always available to talk and would check on me periodically. After a while, he even began to call me on the phone pretty often to "check on me" and to see if I'd be interested in hanging out in real time.

It was flattery at first. After about the third or fourth time of letting him know that my plate's full and that I couldn't do that,it became quite annoying. I stopped taking his calls. I know, I know, the better thing to do would have been to tell him to stop calling me. Three or four weeks passed and he caught on to what I was doing so he changed his MO and began sending me text messages and constantly sending instant messages to my best friend whenever she was online. He did this all in an effort to try and find out what I was up to and what we were doing on the days that she was off work.

It got to be disturbing after he began to call me Mrs. Keller and didn't seem to care when I told him that I thought he was crazy and needed help! I sought the advice of a few friends and they all seemed to think that this guy wasn't going to leave me alone unless I told him outright to back off.

One particular evening I saw that he'd signed online and told him that he was really beginning to freak me out that I didn't find his messages funny. He responded with a message that it was never his intention to do that and if I wanted to lean my head on his shoulder at any time, I could contact him. RIGHT!

It's been about a couple of weeks and he hasn't contacted me again. He does, however, still send my bestfriend instant meessages!

School is going ok and I'm really happy about that.

Something really cool happened not long ago. I've known a person who's been in the military for about eight years. We've chatted for nearly six years! I finally met him on one of his trips back from Iraq! This guy can only be described as adorable. For one thing, he's this muscular Filipino guy with the greatest set of pecs and arms that I've seen in quite a while. He's got one of those faces that you just feel compelled to trust. His eyes and warm and inviting, always seeming to be filled with mirth. He's got a great smile and dimples to match. *sigh* I have no clue why I didn't meet him years ago but it was definitely worth the wait! I was so happy to find that he's sustained no injuries in spite of the fact that he's been over there for such a long time. He was easy to talk with and very intelligent, rather than being just another pretty face. I could easily fall for a guy like hinm..... Alas, he's going back to Texas. Isn't that how it always goes? Lol


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