Falling off the Moon

Monday, December 13, 2004

V is for Vampire

My girlfriend won't blog here because she says it seems as if no one reads the blogs. I guess that I can see her point..but I've got a few responses to my blogs..but this site isn't perhaps the most popular location. It does, however, suit my needs. I'm anonymous. I like my privacy. For someone who lives a day to day existence virtually invisible to the rest of the world...I find it comforting to vent in a place where no one is likely to find it.

The whole invisible theory has been brewing for a while now. I go out and don't get approached by people in general. No one notices me. Perhaps my appearance is nondescript...but I don't think that that's quite it. I think that there are certain people who wear their depression like a banner. Perhaps people see the hopelessness in my eyes...in my walk...does it give off an aura? I don't know..but I am a true vampire. I walk among the living by day and find myself drained and no one sees me...when I'm alive at night...I go unnoticed..what the hell? Dead but not living. A freaking vampire.


  • You can't hide from me though! LOL

    I got caught up on reading your blog....
    not pregnant - whew!
    Asshole and his blogging - the guy's a dud. Thank God you found out exactly what he's all about before things went any further with him. I hope he reads this, too. YOU'RE AN ASSHOLE, DUDE!
    You are probably feeling depressed right now and that's normal. Now that you know the Truth About Asshole...every day is going to get better. Look at it this way....even Princess Diana, who most people would consider to be one of the most desirable women on Earth, was dumped and treated like shit by someone far less worthy than she was. If it could happen to her it could happen to you or me!
    When you think about Asshole, just imagine Prince Charles and you will soon get sick when you think about Asshole, if you aren't getting sick already!
    Hang in there!

    By Blogger Unknown, at 8:43 PM  

  • p.s. I am the former BConklin1@nc.rr.com! I finally changed my email name to reflect my divorced status!

    By Blogger Unknown, at 8:44 PM  

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